Sunday, March 9, 2014

Moon and Lola

I'm in love with all things Moon and Lola! I have a current obsession with the  large sized "Miller" earrings. My fiancé refers to them as my "disco" earrings. They're definitely eye catching and when I wear them, I seriously limit other accessories. Check out the Moon and Lola website and be prepared to drool!



Tuesday, July 9, 2013

What If...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Great News

I have a BIG announcement to make... I'm engaged! Yes, it's true! SSG and I have been dating for about a year. We're  from the same town, yet he now lives about an hour away. The funny thing is, we lived only miles apart growing up, even shared close friends, yet had never met. How ironic!

SSG swept me off my feet, that's for sure. Lots of wining, dining and sweet gifts. He's the complete mushy type (sigh). He sends sweet cards, sweet texts and always goes the extra mile to show how much he cares. We're truly soul mates!

SSG proposed marriage on a trip we'd taken to Virginia Beach. We'd had a wonderful dinner in Williamsburg, followed by roses, chocolate covered strawberries, champagne and a handwritten note.


Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston On My Mind

I just could not believe the news from Boston today! I  spent 4 nights there a few weeks ago. It was my first trip to the historical city. I  have heard reports that the explosions are believed to have been another terrorist attack. I will continue to pray for those involved in this sad tragedy.

*** GOD Bless America!
Land of the free, home of the brave!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

It's so dang hot already! Where did spring go? I mean, I haven't had time to even get a good spray or lotion tan. Going to take care of that this weekend. What's your favorite brand? I've tried them all, but I've found the Jergens brand works really well. Even better is the knock off Target version. Who knew?