Monday, July 18, 2011

Hello Friends, I hope y'all had a great weekend!! I had a busy yet fun one. My daughter left for another weekend at the lake with her friend, I attended a going away party for some friends who are moving to Florida. My husband and son went to see the Atlanta Braves play baseball, and even squeezed in 9 holes of golf on Sunday.  The weather was just great where I am!! How was your weekend??


  1. I spent most of Saturday cleaning up after our week long houese guests and went to Costco and spent a small fortune, as always.
    I celebrated the fact that we didn't have any rain storms that day by weeding and watering the garden, only to have it rain right when I walked in the door.
    I would like to have played 9 holes of golf or gone riding, but the more I try to accomplish, the more I have to do. Funny how things work that way.

  2. I swear I know how to spell. It's just that my fingers work faster than my brain and I miss things.
    I meant to say house not houese.
